News and information are key to the health of a community.  The absence of local news and information is glaring. Recognizing this void a group of community members put together a “newspaper.” Our team of writers is Donna Taylor, A J Hughes, Bleu Lamponi, Wilburn Longmeyer, Francine Summers, and Blake Henry. We come from various backgrounds and experiences that inform our approach and the content of our writings. 

In addition, we realized there was also a need for others in our area to speak up about situations of concern, inform others, and be a meeting place of information, thoughts, and ideas. To maintain the community aspect, we encourage everyone to submit information, articles and opinions to be included in this publication.  We are a diverse group of people with different perspectives who welcome valuable input.

The paper also includes information on city, county, and school board meetings so it can be easily accessed.  we will keep reference pages posted on the site for a one-stop reference site. Whether you are in the surrounding areas or local, we have listings for events/outings and Farmers’ Markets for instant reference. You no longer have to go to multiple sites to find out what is available. There are numerous other pages for references too. We encourage everyone to explore this news site for the hidden gems inside.  If you have any suggestions for other categories or items to include please contact us at blake.henry@alamogordosentinel.com

If you would like to submit an article to be included, please read our guidelines for submission and how to proceed.

We thank you for this opportunity to be of service to our community.


These are OUR EDUCATED OPINIONS based on qualified research, judgment, analysis, education, and personal life experiences.

Everything we state or create is in good faith and good will. There is no intention to deceive or mislead anyone under any false pretenses.

Unless created as original artwork using our artistic expression from our brains, third-party references that are incorporated into content are from the public domain. All 3rd party information referenced, are for illustrative purposes, are NOT for malicious intent.

Any material used from the Public Domain follows Fair Use Guidelines and applicable laws. The information can be used for illustrative, educational,  and/or transformative purposes.

This content is strictly for education and entertainment. We encourage others to do research to come to your own opinion.

The art we create, and any opinions shared in this space, are protected under our right to express peacefully.

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