“This prestigious honor is awarded annually to recognize the Air Force community, which provides the finest support to its AETC Unit. This award is presented by the US Air Force Air Education Training Command in partnership with the Altus Military Affairs Committee. AETC/PA provides Altus Military Affairs Committee with a list of eligible units and contact information for Wing Commanders. The nomination process is managed and facilitated by the Altus Military Affairs Committee.”
The Altus Trophy is earned by communities who have gone above and beyond in their support of the Air Education and Training Command. Out of the 5 finalists and a unanimous vote by six generals who examined and assessed what each finalist provided in support for the Air Education and Training Command which is OUR Holloman Air Force Base.
MainGate United, in conjunction with the Center of Commerce, has worked diligently to provide support or increase programs beneficial to HAFB families and brave airmen stationed at the airfield. These services and support systems aid in connecting our two communities. The military families also support activities in Alamogordo, NM. It is a true partnership.

Programs and opportunities include:
Center of Commerce and MainGate United have adopted and codified the United States Air Force Core Values and 4 Pillars of Resiliency to promote a culture shift dedicated to creating both a positive and healthy community.
Alamogordo gave up funding for a new school to allow HAFB to build a new $34.2M elementary school facility.
Alamogordo, APS, and HAFB worked to secure funding for the new Holloman Middle School. Additional partners in the federal funding of $59.6M designated for the new middle school were the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) for Public Schools on Military Installations (PSMI). Groundbreaking in 2024.
A new location for the DoD STARBASE Program soon to arrive allows students to participate in the new STEM education with “real world” applications with military personnel to explore careers. The New Mexico Congressional Delegation, Cloudcroft Municipal Schools, and Alamogordo Public Schools are supportive of this new “premier educational program.”
Partnership with the Military Spouses, the Alamogordo Center of Commerce, and MainGate United growing the “Five and Thrive Program” ties to improving our community. Our Military spouses bring experience to the community with work experience to businesses, schools, and medical care.
Holloman AFB unites Airmen, Guardians, and military families together with the Alamogordo Center of Commerce, MainGate United, the Veterans Affairs Committee, and local organizations to interact and demonstrate appreciation for the military.
State and civic leaders’ support was instrumental in three new construction projects at HAFB totaling over $70M. They also supported the ability of military spouses to transition their professional licensures.
Alamogordo community leaders addressed the lack of affordable housing options off base. Their success led to a new 120+ unit apartment complex – the first in over 20 years.
Support of the spiritual needs of HAFB personnel are provided with diverse options of “religious services and resources to accommodate the spiritual beliefs and practices of its service members.”
The Team Holloman volunteers at many projects including “White Sands Balloon and Music Festival, apple and cherry festivals, St John’s Soup Kitchen, historic Dudley House Renovation Project, and Keep Alamogordo Beautiful to name a few.” The generosity of their volunteer time has made a difference in the completion of projects.
Alamogordo is proud to partner with Holloman Air Force Base to enhance the quality of life and the needed skills in both of our communities.
Congratulations Alamogordo, NM for winning this exceptional award! This could not have been accomplished without the strong partnership with Holloman Air Force Base