APS Developing: Colleen Tagle Has Resigned

Information just received states Colleen Tagle, Deputy Superintendent of Operations/Support Services at Alamogordo Public Schools, has resigned effective February 15, 2024.

During her tenure at the Alamogordo Public Schools, she continued to advance and acquired more responsibility and authority. Recently she has been named in lawsuits for the handling of employees who were placed on Administrative Leave allegedly without explanation leaving those to wonder about the vague charges against them.

Ms Tagle was also in charge of the new Chaparral Middle School and Holloman Middle School construction which, looking at the APS website, appears to be stalled. At the “unveiling” of the new CMS under the questioning of a citizen in possession of emails and contact with the funders, Ms Tagle relented and admitted the project management was her fault.

This is a developing story. Watch for updates.

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