Excerpts from video March 23, 2014 on information regarding chemtrails presented at the United Nations by Dr. Rosalind Peterson, president and cofounder of the Agricultural Defense Coalition of 2006. 

Weather modification/manipulation programs affect agriculture and forest, also water supplies by chemicals spewed out of jets and other aircraft contrails or “chemtrails.” None of this activity by our government, U.S. Air Force, or NASA has protective oversight for us.  These chemtrails cover thousands and thousands of square miles across our country often leaving a white haze that hovers for vast distances. 

These planes are carrying canisters filled with chemicals such aluminum, barium, strontium, and sulphur, causing nitric oxide to destroy the beneficial ozone in the atmosphere. The higher UV radiation causes increased burning of the tips of trees and plants, increasing proliferation of molds and mildew and pests.

The clouds that form from these chemtrails are not normal clouds. Often, colorful auroras occur that are not normal. This experimentation of our ionosphere is called ”geo-engineering.“ Again, there is no oversight. NASA states that jet chemtrails are exacerbating global warning because they trap the warmth within the atmosphere when they produce cirrus and man-made clouds. They are changing our climate. One contrail can expand 4,000 kilometers and lasts for 20 hours. It wasn’t until late 1980s for these jets to leave such long-lasting trails. These man-made clouds trap the warmth and increase humidity.

Our drinking water is affected because the chemicals are now showing up in our waters. From 1970 to present there were striking increases in chemicals in our water. Aluminum gets into the root system of our crop trees, as well as forests, and they cannot absorb the water necessary to survive. Many forests in the West, we feel, because of the aluminum absorbed by their roots systems, are dying.

If we change growing seasons, the pollination may not survive and the plants would not have the pollination needed to produce or survive. This geo-engineering by persistent jet contrails will change the amount of sunlight in regards to crop production, revealed by a study on corn crops production by the University of Illinois.

We need public oversight and regulations to control this destruction of our normal weather and climate.

For more detailed information please see the complete video at

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