What is Colloidal Silver?  It’s wonderful stuff!  It was the first antibiotic and was used frequently until penicillin was created.  These days most medical people haven’t heard of it. But if you will notice, silver is now incorporated into water systems on ships, planes, hospitals, space, pools or equipment that needs to be sanitized without the use of harsh chemicals.


Colloidal Silver is distilled water that has obtained a negative charge with silver – period. It’s fairly expensive if bought in a natural health store but cheap to make at home. All you need is distilled water and a silver “generator.” It’s a simple little machine with two .999 silver prongs plus an aerator tube. I have used mine since the 1990’s and have found that Walmart’s distilled water is the purest I have found. My machine has a light on it that glows if the water still has too many minerals in it to make a good batch.


Colloidal Silver kills over 650 pathogens – viral, bacterial and fungal.  It works when a pathogen has a positive charge.  The silver has a negative charge.  When the silver contacts the pathogen it attacks and destroys it.  So Simple! No side effects! Use it for burns, cuts and scrapes, eye wash (great for styes or pink eye), cold sores, nose spray, mouthwash (really helps keep your mouth clean – be sure to swallow it). Spray it on restaurant (or anywhere) food to prevent upset from bacteria or cross contamination. If I feel I have eaten food that wasn’t safe, I drink a wine glass full of the colloidal silver, holding each mouthful under my tongue as long as possible (enters bloodstream) and then swallow it.  It’s water – you won’t over dose on it!


Its shelf-life is indefinite, especially if stored in glass, no exposure to metal and kept in a dark place that is not cold or refrigerated. This will cause the colloidal silver to lose its charge.


It is also wonderful first aid for animals – any animal even reptiles, fish and birds.  Clean any wound on any body part with it.  It will not interfere with any current or following treatment. It stops infection in a fresh wound immediately.

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