After the last election a “no confidence vote” to remove 3 school board members from APS was voiced. I was interested to see the spin the current board was going to put on the broken school system they have perpetuated at last night’s school board meeting.
The only thing missing from last night’s display of “smoke and mirrors and deflection” was the popcorn!
The meeting opened with a “gag order” on anything the public had to say of importance! The board members mesmerized themselves with a spectacular display of smoke and mirrors!
I have never witnessed such an attempt to put lipstick on a pig in my life!!
And true to their nature, they missed their opportunity to bow out with any measure of decorum and let the newly elected board appoint their choice for superintendent to work with!!
Well, hang on folks cause the board’s “rug” is so lumpy with what they have swept under it that no amount of self-adulation could make their tenure look good!
$57,000 trucks purchased ( two of them) sexually explicit questionnaire given to students “for their own protection “ without parents being notified, record numbers of teacher vacancies, the turning down of substantially lower bidder for a new lighting contract, not going out for bid for a new interactive learning project that could have been done locally, the list is endless and costly to YOU taxpayers and parents!
Strap your seatbelt on folks as this “rug” starts to get pulled back and the truth exposed, it’s going to be a wild ride.
The most grievous thing that happened is the board stripping away the right from the newly elected board to have their own choice of a superintendent to work with.
The board offered a one-year contract to the current “interim superintendent “.
This is after a direct request was made to the board to send out a search for a new superintendent giving time to review options.
What this contract means is the old board has attempted to cripple the new board by forcing them to work with a superintendent that will more than likely impose and block the wishes of the public for a new fresh approach that respects parents and public input.
It’s integrity check time for the new superintendent if she accepts the contract.
by “Fed up in Alamogordo” – Guest Contributor