Some Natural Solutions


Aahhh, the beautiful warm days of Spring are here. Most of us love Spring.  However, most of us do not enjoy the wind and pollen that accompanies Spring.  What if you could  help keep your symptoms down with help from everyday items you might already have at home?     


Ever wonder how your great grandparents and your grandparents handled common everyday inconveniences without a local pharmacy?  Well, here are a few suggestions that might help with Spring congestion.  Keep in mind, this information DOES NOT replace medical advice.  With that being said, let’s get started!   


There are many things in and around your home that can be used for helping with congestion.


First we have – pine needle tea.  Yes, simple pine needles. Gather a handful of pine needles from a regular tree.  Please, if the tree is on your neighbor’s property, ask permission first.  Rinse your pine needles and drop them in a pot of water.  Use about 4 cups of water.  Boil for 8-10 minutes. Now, let the tea seep for 10 minutes. Put your tea thru a strainer and enjoy. 


Next we have cardamom.  Yes, the spice you find in the grocery store.  You can make tea, although cardamom has a bitter taste. It’s best to add it to something. It can be coffee, green tea, or soup.


Third, we have apple cider vinegar.  ACV helps thin the mucus. Add one tablespoon of ACV to 8 ounces of water. It can be warm or cold. ACV is hard on the esophagus, so it should not be taken by itself. 


Last, we have pineapple. Pineapple has bromelain. It has anti-inflammatory properties. A couple of glasses a day will help.  It is important to remember that staying hydrated is key. Hydration thins the mucus which gets expelled easier.  Hydration is important for so many parts of our body to run adequately. 


Here is hoping you enjoy Spring and maybe breathe a little easier.

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