There is a new health survey (intake form) provided by NM Department of Health to be given to children when they access any health services such as abortion and transgender care at one of the school-based health centers without parental consent. As you will see, this survey covers a shocking list of topics. It is divided into 2 groups, up to 11 years of age and over 11 years of age.  There are a total of 30 questions depending on answers marked by your child. If all questions are triggered. See full list of questions.

Normally there is a method to “opt out” of this type of questioning; however, since this is tied to the network of the current 80 school-based health centers around the state, this may not be possible. Your children can seek access to mental, abortion and transgender care without your consent.

There also may be a different “health” survey given to all students. Previously, parents could sign an “opt out” form to excuse their children from having to answer the questions. It is unknown whether the general “health survey” will be given this school year. There should be a method or form given to parents/guardians whether they want their child to take this “health” survey. To ensure your choice, you may not want to wait until you receive the “opt out” form. The general “health” survey, if similar to previous ones, is just as invasive but provided for all students. Make sure you have clarification if there will be a “general health” survey given as well. Please contact your child’s school and ask as soon as classes begin. This is your right!

Below is the limited sample of the questions asked on the survey. This particular set of questions is for 11 and older. If you would like to download the limited version, click here.  NM DOH: Inappropriate Sexual Questions for Children (

Homeschooling is always an option. Here is more info on the How’s and What’s of Homeschooling. You can do it. Concerned about kids’ schooling? Info about alternatives (

Remember – Your children belong to YOU! It is YOUR choice!

A special thanks to Sara Smith and the New Mexico Freedoms Alliance for providing this information.



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