What is a mandate? “It is a command or directive issued by an authority to individuals or organizations, requiring them to take specific actions or follow certain rules.” It is not a law. “Mandates can be quickly implemented to face a specific situation, limited in time. A law is a long-term rule, voted by the elected representatives, and that often takes more time to be created.” Usually, mandates are enforceable legally through fines. In order for the massive mandates to work, the population must be afraid.

What was the catalyst?

In March 2020, Drs Fauci and Birx presented a computer model of the Covid pandemic produced by Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in the United Kingdom. The numbers were horrifying. Millions would die in a short period of time. The problem was that erroneous assumptions were used in the computer model. A software engineer working to clean up the program stated there were “undocumented codes and numerous bugs” that produced “different answers using the same assumptions.” It was “so highly flawed it should never have been relied upon for policy decisions”. The model showed that “by October, more than 2 million people in the US would die as a result of Covid-19.” It further predicted “the United States could incur up to 1 million deaths even with ‘enhanced social distancing’ guidelines.” Fear had now been instilled but it was a lie that was never corrected. Why?

The NM Governor declared a State of Emergency over Covid. “President Biden initiated a nationwide mandate to fight the Covid pandemic ordering American employers with 100 or more workers to ensure their workforce is entirely vaccinated enforced through OSHA” instead of previous mandates for smallpox vaccines that were enforced by the states in the 19th century and early 20th centuries.

In a twist to previous OSHA requirements, a fine of up to $14,000 per violation could be levied against a non-compliant business enforced by that federal workplace agency. The Covid mandates were focused on businesses. This is the method used during the “Covid pandemic” instead of addressing the issue in the US Congress or state legislatures. Several agencies were utilized to order the mandates, States’ Departments of Health, FDA, CDC, and Health and Human Services to name a few. However, it gets more complicated.

Lockdowns began with “2 weeks to flatten the curve” of infections that increased to businesses not being able to operate. Big box stores were able to continue to operate. Employees and small businesses suffered. Some closed never to reopen. Schools closed down resulting in the most damaging time for learning loss and an increase in emotional and mental issues with students.


Masks became an issue. Dr Fauci initially declared them unhelpful. That changed as well. Masks were immediately required everywhere.

Vaccines were made available initially and then required to maintain employment in health care settings, military, and airline pilots. Any company that had more than 100 employees. A backlash erupted against the mandates. Hospitals, who needed all of the medical workers they could get, were firing them for vaccine non-compliance. Many people knew the vaccines were not approved by the FDA but were operating with an Emergency Use Authorization.

Suddenly everyone is diagnosed with Covid instead? Where did the flu go? Nothing was making sense and people were starting to question everything. This could not be allowed in order to maintain control so the federal government started declaring articles, YouTube videos, and Twitter (X) posts as misinformation and disinformation. Then the censoring began. People were being censored for just questioning Covid and everything connected which still happens today. YouTube removed channels for speaking the words “Covid”, “vaccines” “jabs” “Ivermectin” and other words. Then the official narrative was “It’s a conspiracy theory.” The difference between a “conspiracy theory” and fact or truth is about 2 years. It appeared things had gotten out of hand and these initial “orders or directives” were being enforced in an authoritarian way. Never in the history of the United States of America had healthy people been quarantined. Agency employees were “just following orders” whether it made sense or not.

A mandate is a problematic move because our country is diverse in culture, land, business, schools, and medical facilities. One size DOES NOT fit all. Governors were supposed to make appropriate decisions based on the needs of the people they govern. It soon changed to agendas and ideologies. Some states issued strict guidelines while others did not. The lines were drawn. Common sense, critical thinking, and researching the topic became non-existent and wreaked havoc across the country and the damage remains.

When people begin questioning a forced decision and when the ones making the decision do not allow questions or legitimate research, there is a major problem. If decisions are truly based on “science” then it should be able to stand up against scrutiny. Instead, the dictatorial nature intensified. The “powers that be” were breaking their own orders including Governor MLG and other elected and appointed government officials. The questions became loud. If this Covid thing was so dangerous and required such extreme actions and demands of the public, why were they not following their own dictates? More censorship and pushback against the public. Any time people are being forced to follow orders issued by the government and we are not allowed to question them and instead experience punishment and threats, that is when it must be stopped and re-examined. Something is seriously wrong. Sure enough, information is coming out that our questioning was appropriate. The truth does come out eventually but due to the actions and power of the government, it takes a few years to be overturned and they know it. The damage was allowed to be done.

Anytime our right to make decisions for ourselves is forbidden and even punished, we and our country are in danger! We have a right to question things when they do not make sense and go against every common sense thing known. “TRUTH does not mind being questioned. A LIE does not like being challenged.”

Mandates returning? It’s time for sober thinking and decision-making. Look it up for yourself. Do not live by sound bites. The damages from the mandates have already exceeded the risks of Covid and some have become permanent. This should NEVER be allowed to happen again.

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