In reviewing articles, videos, and other information, one has to ask who and what is Colleen Tagle? She apparently moved here from Florida and was employed by the Alamogordo Public School System in Human Resources. However, her name appears in numerous other titles and job responsibilities, although her current title on the APS website is Deputy Superintendent of Support Services/Title IX Coordinator. She has been described as very intelligent and clever.

Her other titles listed at different times have her located at the High School as Assistant Superintendent. Other times as Deputy Superintendent of Operations. As head of Support Services, her immediate subordinate is the Legal Liaison who is responsible for replying to IPRA requests under the guidance of Ms Tagle. The APS website states, “Alamogordo Public Schools Support Services encompasses all district support functions and departments, including Business and Finance, Human Resources, Technology, Maintenance, District Services, Safety and Security, Capital Outlay, Transportation, Student Nutrition, Health Services, and Communications.”

Ms Tagle’s Title IX position oversees actions of sex discrimination in sports in any federally funded education program or activity but now has expanded to include sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and sexual violence. Also, she monitors and oversees the protection of students changing their gender or identifying as LGBT+ and expedites Gender Support Plan meetings.

During the wait for the School Board to announce potential action against Supt Moore on February 12, 2023, Ms Tagle was accosted by the waiting crowd. Multiple people voiced the fear of speaking out by teachers and employees for fear of losing their jobs and retirement. At the APS Community Forum on February 21, 2023, at the high school cafeteria, a multi-page handout was distributed to some attendees by a person, who was present during that meeting on February 12, 2023. This is an example from the handout of fear and anger. “I am a teacher here at the Alamogordo public schools. I would like to please be kept anonymous for giving you this information on how “they” are sneaking in CRT. All of these trainings have to be okayed with Colleen Tagle.” In addition, “Colleen also does not have her admin license but is always the one who shows up to reprimand the principals or teachers and is always present when a teacher or principal is put on admin leave for any reason. This is not part of her responsibilities.” There should not be this level of intimidation to generate this level of fear in the APS school system or anywhere. Is this an example of a “toxic or hostile work environment” caused by one in authority?

When an environment of fear and intimidation exists, there is no relief except to leave your job and possibly lose the years working towards retirement. What if the person creating this environment is “untouchable” because of the position held by the person? There is nowhere to turn. No other person in authority to report incidents to without it making its way to the “untouchable” party. If it does make its way to that person, there appears to be no safety regarding consequences. That is a perfect storm for losing good teachers and employees. There is no check on that person with so much power. If employees leave, there is no “Exit Interview” process that would expose what is happening. Who establishes the policy to allow that process? Employees need to feel they will be listened to. That is sorely absent from APS. Ms Tagle, with all of her experience in Human Resources, should have set up a path for teachers to openly discuss issues they face without any repercussions. The teachers and employees are afraid to say anything or bring up problems facing them. Why is Tagle always present during the disciplinary or dismissal procedures? That is a function of Human Resources and the department head. Is this another case of Ms Tagle inserting herself into every situation?

People need the ability to express themselves as to why they are leaving their jobs. That normal opportunity is not made available in the Alamogordo Public Schools although this process has been mentioned several times. The recommendation was to have a 3rd party handle the “Exit Interview” so there is no retaliation or future employment threat. Where is the NEA representative? Aren’t unions supposed to assist their members with difficult human resource issues? Why isn’t the NEA stepping up to support their members and try to improve the toxic work environment? Aren’t they supposed to be present during any Human Resource actions? Something is seriously wrong. Or is the NEA more focused on moving their agenda forward instead of being an advocate or assisting in employment issues?

The consolidation of authority is impressive since her arrival at Alamogordo Public Schools. Ms Tagle, through her position as Deputy Superintendent of Support Services, gives her massive reach involving teachers, principals, purchasing, hiring, and firing of all employees, budgets, busing and all other vehicles, food, nursing services, counseling, chrome books, and IT, all data coming in and going out, future planning and spending, maintenance, capital outlay and all services involved within the APS district. That includes almost all functions of the Alamogordo Public School District. In a text message from an anonymous teacher that was in a handout at the Community Forum, “What about Chaparral Middle School?” What about the delays in construction? This is one of her areas of responsibility. Also, the necessary funding and negotiations with all companies and agencies involved are directly under Ms Tagle’s authority. Yes, when is the ground-breaking for Chaparral Middle School?

Although Ms Tagle is described as very intelligent and capable, she is also described as “good and evil” by some in the district. People are afraid of her. The organizational structure is unhealthy and potentially problematic. If you look at or are familiar with other government or business/corporate structures, checks, and balances are built in by the separation of powers. Not so here. Because of her authority, she can “insert” herself into just about any situation and alter decisions that may have been appropriate prior to her involvement. In saying that, in no way is that statement a conclusion of nefarious motives or an accusation. It is something that Alamogordo Public Schools and the School Board must recognize and be aware of before a train wreck occurs. Do not set up Ms Tagle and the Alamogordo School District and School board to fail. This is just a caution to the APS School Board and Superintendent. Please reconsider an organizational structure that includes checks and balances without so many department crossovers.

Although there are other Deputy Superintendents, Ms Tagle has authority over them in most respects because of the overlapping areas of responsibility. What does the Superintendent do now? The School Board? Even if the Superintendent or School Board give instructions, it is up to Ms Tagle to enforce them as she defines them. Who is monitoring what she is actually doing? Is this level of unrestrained bureaucracy too much for the number of students in a town of 40,000? There need to be clear lines of authority, checks, and balances, and boundaries of implementation. For the sake of the teachers and employees of APS, this is an apparent emergency situation requiring immediate change.

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The Person Pulling the Levers? – Colleen Tagle? Series Part 4 | Blake Henry | NewsBreak Original

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