Tonight was the Alamogordo Public Schools’ Community Meeting at the APS High School Cafeteria at 5:30 p.m. It was advertised as Livestream on YouTube with an “opportunity to ask questions and receive answers. If you cannot attend in person, questions can be sent in advance to” What was presented was a slide show presented by Acting Superintendent Renteria and Deputy Superintendent Tagle showing a PR piece showing their “accomplishments.” At the end of the presentation, the meeting attendees were then instructed to visit the tables organized by APS departments on the perimeter of the cafeteria that were manned by APS personnel to answer any questions the people might have. At that point, the livestream was killed at 23 minutes. No questions, as promised, were able to be asked in person or from ones emailed in advance.
Three School Board members were present: Judy Rabon, Amanda Jewel, and Carol Teweleit. There was a table designated for them to sit at the front. The other two tables were for Colleen Tagle and Pam Renteria. Later, it was stated that answers to emailed questions would be answered later online.
The date that was chosen for this meeting was questionable at best since the Otero County Fair, La Luz Festival, and other events around the district were also scheduled. It was hoped that concerned parents would attend the meeting and then take their families to the fair or other scheduled events. There were 40 chairs for meeting attendees. About 85% of the chairs were filled. There were probably as many APS employees staffing the tables as residents attending. The Meeting should have been rescheduled if the Alamogordo School District sincerely wanted to interact with the parents, community, and other interested parties. They had time to do so but chose not to.

This is NOT about politics! This is about the responsibility, and accountability of the APS school district and elected officials.
They are tone-deaf. Do they not understand the people of this community who have a vested interest in the school system have some major concerns and questions? Do they care? This is one of the most unfortunate events that APS could have inflicted on Alamogordo. I’m sure they are high-fiving thinking they controlled the situation. What they ended up with is looking like “small people” and unable to deal with issues. This is not one-upmanship! This is a serious matter. The conditions of the schools’ performance are shameful but they insist on playing games or at least that is how it comes across. Serious people – elected people are not AFRAID to face constituents and have the skills to do so. What the school board and administrators are doing is not a good look nor a respectful action. Some might call this tyrannical control, manipulation, or even passive-aggressive behavior. When elected officials are unconcerned or arrogant that creates an atmosphere of disdain and disrespect. From their point of view, they controlled the problem. They are the victors. They held their ground. It appears they really don’t care about anything or anyone but their power and authority. Who are they modeling their actions after? What are they hiding from? A genuine person would not act like this. Would they want to be treated this way? Probably not but at the moment the focus is on what THEY want and THEIR power instead of their students and constituents. Very disappointing. Quit living in your own bubble, please.
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