Commentary – Unnamed Sources, Disinformation and Conspiracy Theories – City Manager Resignation Scandal That Wasn’t – Part 3

The recent coverage of the City Manager’s resignation is a gross disregard of publishing without corroborating information. According to Edwards (or whoever since he does not say who writes the article), a City Commissioner was named and another was implicated with serious accusations that he failed to confirm. That is called “jumping to conclusions” or “rushing to print.” It is unprofessional and goes against journalistic ethics to publish serious accusatory items with “unconfirmed reports” and use the word “allegedly” as an out – an immediate warning flag to honest readers. The story then changed to the involvement of different named people. These are the actions of a “pot-stirrer” not a sincere journalist. If Edwards did not have confirmation of the details, is it possible he was purposely fed incorrect information to take the bait and run with it? We may never know. It appears Edwards can be convinced by city staff members who may have an agenda similar to his own. How does he know the real truth about the situation? Truth in news is what is considered legitimate news. He was not involved in the interactions which created a different narrative in itself. Where is the truth? Terms like “suggested,” “intent of deception,” and a “false narrative,” were used to implicate and accuse city leadership of wrongdoing.  Why not wait for replies to the IPRAs stated that were filed? Because he lacks journalistic integrity?

In listening to the Mayor’s statement, there is agreement within the community of the division Edwards creates, the vengeance exemplified in published articles, bullying, intimidation, and trolling repeatedly of people who try to do something beneficial for our community. In the article, “Allegations of Disinformation Concerning City Manager Resignation by Alamogordo City Officials”, it was stated, “…multiple city staff members have SUGGESTED…” (emphasis mine). That explains a lot. Perhaps much can be learned from Edwards’ article, “Disinformation poses an unprecedented threat to democracy in the United States in 2024, according to researchers, technologists and political scientists. Disinformation—the use of half-truth and non-rational argument to manipulate public opinion in pursuit of political objectives—is a growing threat to the public sphere in politics at the national level, and now the citizens of Alamogordo are witness to it, locally.” Maybe that would be a good thing for Chris Edwards to consider before publishing articles. Is this projection on his part? A Saul Alinsky tactic in Rules for Radicals is to accuse others of what you are doing. Think about that one. Not everything is political !! Motivations assigned to individuals in Edwards’ articles is most often unfounded and appear retaliatory in nature since the same targets are often repeatedly attacked with only ad hominem allegations but no substance. Chris Edwards exemplifies the present Cancel Culture.

In the article, Edwards displays two documents that are unclear whether they were from the results of an IPRA request. First of all, the documents are from different situations and contexts. One is internal to inform city leadership of a meeting and discussion which is normal internal communications in businesses and organizations. The second is Mr Holden’s resignation. The caption identifies it as “Internal Rick Holden Resignation Letter as City ManagerPhoto by2nd Life Media Alamogordo Town News” 

These two cannot be equated in the same fashion. Internal report vs official resignation. This is standard business protocol. THIS IS NOT A COVERUP OR SCANDAL – except in the reporting by Chris Edwards! When the “coverup letter” or the public statement read at the Commission meeting is mentioned, there is nothing but a link to the entire meeting – no time stamp for easy review. If this public statement that was read is the basis for the “coverup” it would be critically important for the contents to be openly quoted or image displayed within Edwards’ article. This is the main point that is presented. However, Edwards prefers to create suspicion and goes so far as to think the Attorney General should investigate an unfounded, undocumented conspiracy theory.  Evidence should be front and center in this article. But, it’s not. This is another red flag.

There is nothing of substance or proof within this article – only speculation and unfounded accusations of sensationalism. Clicks for money?

Mr Holden is a seasoned professional who has dealt with many situations of this type. He knows what is important for keeping pertinent individuals informed of complaints. This is not his first rodeo. However, Chris Edwards does not understand professional business protocols, communications, and interactions with the public otherwise the statements within his article would not be printed. A lack of understanding can create a problem where there is none.

“The public speeches at the commission meeting are different than the documents released to and demonstrate that a false narrative was presented to the public by city leadership and the mayor.” It is not a false narrative but an inaccurate analysis and understanding of the different contexts of the documents. A public statement read at the Commission meeting is not a coverup but is standard for the type of public information. To insinuate Mr Holden’s public statement of his resignation was not written by himself is a reckless assessment but feeds the conspiracy. Once again, where is the proof? “Gotcha” news.

Sometimes, it is incumbent on each of us to evaluate criticism directed toward ourselves. In the same article it states, “…the mayor, attacking the character and reputation of 2nd Life Media journalists, is a classic case of “political warfare,” to degrade public trust in media and to amplify social division, resentment, and fear and distrust in our reporting.” Yes, and sometimes “journalists” do it to themselves and lose their credibility. This is the current status of Alamogordo Conservative Daily, – a major loss of credibility caused by the actions of Chris Edwards, Editor, and any other “journalists” on the staff who engage in these methods. “Political warfare” is what has been waged on the community by Edwards’ “news” outlets. Edwards’ conclusions, once again, are usually baseless, incorrectly analyzed, and without clear supporting material – only speculation. A conspiracy theory to agitate the community. There is nothing solid presented in the article. What better way to end this article but to create more allegations and doubt than with “Some have suggested that the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office needs to investigate this resignation, the city’s initial response of deceit to the public and the business relationship and escalation that led to this resignation.” Where is the big smoking gun of deceit? Shouldn’t it be clear in the article?

“Why would the mayor and city staff create a narrative to the public drafted with the intent of deception and to discredit the journalists allegations?” “Why present a lie to the public? Trust in city leadership is lost when leadership lies to the public.” Insert “Edwards” above.

NOTE:  Any person can request public information (IPRA) from any government entity in New Mexico. It can be done in person, by email, by letter etc. Just make sure to include your name, address, and phone number. The maximum standard turnaround is 15 days but sometimes sooner. IPRAs are available to everyone, not just journalists. Contact the government entity or look online for the IPRA person to contact.  Click on “Remarks and Inquiries By the City Commission.” Mayor Payne’s statement. Time stamp is 12:46

For public statement from Mr Holden on his resignation read into the city record, click on “City Manager’s Report.”  Time stamp is 10:15

In researching information in this article, there is a new city website for City Commission meetings. Events • Agendas and Minutes – City of Alamogordo, NM • CivicClerk

Unlike watching the City Commission meetings on YouTube, this website is very user-friendly and allows the immediate location of the agenda item on the video for each meeting. It is a nice upgrade for people who cannot attend the City Commission meetings.

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