First, what is Critical Race Theory (CRT)? It really is a graduate-level class in law school. It is primarily centered around the effects of Brown v. Board of Education, The United States Supreme Court decision for desegregation. From that point, A group of “scholars” took the legal THEORY and turned it into an educational agenda, with their implementation, to a multitude of issues of microaggressions, oppressors and oppressed, diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and other elements. This was led by multiple progressive (some say self-avowed Marxists) legal scholars. This THEORY was for discussion in graduate-level courses with students who had developed thinking and reasoning capabilities. The original theory has been amplified and turned into an agenda based on race and offenses. Students in K-12 are not the appropriate audience to understand the full picture and nuances of the class lessons. It is not age appropriate. The 1619 Project published by the New York Times followed in its steps. Here is a link to the American Bar Association website talking about CRT. It does not resemble the current topics being taught in Social Studies.

So why are the Alamogordo Public Schools and other schools teaching such a nuanced subject and all of its elements to impressionable minds? That is the answer – they are impressionable minds.

Why is the school system creating confusion and division among students and the community based on a flawed theory? Race is not a social construct as the fervent developers and followers claim! It is genetic and can be identified with DNA just like male and female. Some diseases are more prevalent in different races or advance at an earlier age. That is not a social construct. Follow the science!

There is always a small number of racists everywhere but Alamogordo does not (or did not) have a race problem until CRT was introduced. When the focus changed from individuals to race, everything is viewed from that perspective. Races are told they should be offended by every perceived slight. This is a problem. What does that gain people who focus on being offended? Nothing but inner turmoil, anger, and division.

In order to insert CRT into the Social Studies curriculum, among lessons, Supt Moore, the APS School Board, and Acting Supt Renteria thought it was a great move to lie about CRT being taught in the schools. So, if Moore, Renteria, or other school board members state emphatically that CRT is not being taught, then there are only 2 possibilities – they are blatantly lying to parents, students, teachers, and community or they are ignorant and uneducated about the subject. Neither of these is acceptable considering their authority and employment.

How do we know they are trying to deceive the people of Alamogordo?

From their own mouths on video and statements from teachers.

On June 27-28, 2022, Supt Moore attended a conference in Albuquerque, open to the public, called “Building An Equity Bridge” as a guest speaker. He boasted about the guerilla tactics being used by the Alamogordo School District and referred to other Superintendents as being in the KKK because they were not in attendance. He also stated they had to “sneak it in” the curriculum so no one would be aware. This was an undercover video released on February 8, 2023. Link here. Is this what lead up to Supt Moore being put on Administrative Leave by the School Board on February 12, 2023, or did it involve more?

Also, the Social Studies K-12 curriculum was changed to reflect the insertion of CRT in the Social Studies curriculum. NMPED does not refer to Critical Race Theory (CRT) but their CRT is called Culturally Relevant Teaching. It’s all in the changing words being used. Redefine and confuse is the strategy in the education agendas.

On February 21, 2023, the APS School Board agreed to hold a community forum in the high school to answer all questions. This was held only 2 weeks after the undercover video was released and 9 days after Moore was placed on administrative leave. The lessons and consequences for lying to the community and sneaking in CRT were astonishingly lost on the leaders of the school. Watch the video of the Community Forum and see the responses.

The following are some remarks and responses that need to be highlighted.

When Acting Supt Pam Renteria, formerly Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, was asked directly, “What is the position of Pam Renteria on CRT?” This was her response. “I don’t have a position on CRT. CRT is a college-level focused study that you know if you’re interested in doing that as you move through life that I think it’s a wonderful for you to pursue but I don’t have a position on it.  It exists. It’s not something that I’ve studied personally but I know that it is important study piece.” (An audience member asks question off microphone continuing CRT question.) Renteria responds, “I wish that I could honestly speak to you more fully but I’m not very versed in it at all…We’re NOT teaching students Critical Race Theory. It’s not an appropriate thing for school-aged children to study. We don’t teach Critical Race Theory” Time stamp 1:26:04

In the video of the Community Forum at the high school on February 21, 2023, a mother of a student went to the podium to ask a question. She said her son was mixed race, half white and half Hispanic, and wanted to know why he was being called an “oppressor” in class. In CRT white people are called oppressors and other races as oppressed. This young man was mixed race and yet called an oppressor. Go to time mark 1:48:03. This is what the mother of the student said. “…and regarding the Race Theory I think that my child is a mixed child, he’s white and Latino. He’s been called an oppressor and I think that’s wrong only because his skin is white. He’s not an oppressor and he’s not oppressed either. He’s very smart and talented and has good character and he thankfully he thinks takes things you know lightly but when it comes to the race theory, I don’t think it’s appropriate for teachers to be teaching kids that they’re oppressed or oppressors regarding their skin color. I think we are beyond that.”

There was no response to the parent about her child’s classroom experience with CRT-based Social Studies. Not the Acting Superintendent or any School Board Member.

The National Educators Association (NEA aka Teachers’ Union) president of NEA Alamogordo stated at the forum, “CRT, Critical Race Theory is a collegiate level paradigm through which systems and institutions are viewed through the lens of race…” Time stamp on video 1:52:04

At the Forum, In a multi-page handout distributed by an attendee with many questions and concerns, there was a copy of a teacher learning list. According to the teacher source, this would have had to have been okayed by Colleen Tagle, Deputy Superintendent of Support Services/Title IX Coordinator. The class was called “Curriculum, Rubrics & Anti-Racism Oh My!”  Once again the terminology is skewed. Anti-racism sounds good until you find out it is part of CRT and taught in APS Social Studies.

Again, it appears they do not know what CRT and its elements are in order to identify what they are “teaching”, which would explain the failure of education in Alamogordo. Or they are following in Moore’s footsteps and lying about it. Since the APS School Board has only one employee, the superintendent, are they instructing or conspiring with the superintendent to deceive the parents, students, and the community to insert an agenda? Why are they not being honest about what is being taught in APS? You decide. What is the purpose of teaching the elements of CRT?



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