Through the continued examination of Alamogordo School Board meeting videos, speaking to community members, and examining “events,” it becomes apparent there was a collaborative effort to attack anyone who expressed an opposing idea or thought including APS employees, students, teachers, and community members. Incidents became political and escalated in intensity.

Further, this article is NOT about politics nor should it be. This is about the character and integrity of the people at the top of education in the Alamogordo Public School System and their motivations. This article is related to the EDUCATION of our CHILDREN, our most precious gift.

The title of this article was based on a text message from Supt Moore to GB Oliver, Executive Director of the Center of Commerce received Oct 31, 2022. This text was found in the lawsuit against Supt Moore and the Alamogordo School Board on page 13, paragraph 64. The complete text reads, “Don’t know why I didn’t realize this until now, but you and I have very similar jobs. We’re the hired hitmen that execute the wishes of board members who may or may not know what they’re doing. God be with us!” (emphasis mine) Is this a sudden realization of Moore’s involvement down a wrong path or something else? Why would he say “God be with us!” unless he had no confidence in the competence or direction of the APS School Board? Was he “hung out to dry?”

Previous Supt Jerrett Perry retired at the end of June 2021 due to transgender athletes being allowed in girls’ locker rooms and girls’ sports.  The tone and direction of the Alamogordo Public Schools and School Board appeared to change in Aug 2021 when there was a sudden, premature election of the School Board President. Judy Rabon was elected as president. No other positions were voted on.

To start, these are the people at Alamogordo Public Schools who were participants in the incident: Colleen Tagle, Associate Superintendent; Dr Calentine, AHS Principal, Director of Curriculum & Instruction; and Pam Renteria, Associate Superintendent. Some titles change frequently so these are titles listed at the time of the Flickinger/Black complaint. Supt Moore and School Board President, Judy Rabon were also involved.

Main Gate United members, part of the Center of Commerce who were working on the Teachers’ Appreciation Night, are too numerous to list as well as the Flickinger Center members.


To begin with, at the end of August 2022, Colleen Tagle contacted a member of Main Gate United to request them to host an appreciation night for the new teachers on 10/12/22. Main Gate United is a group of business leaders working to coordinate and support Holloman AFB and Alamogordo in different areas such as education. Main Gate did not hesitate to host and make arrangements for the event. The Flickinger Center Board stepped up to provide live concert tickets and help with other arrangements. Food trucks had been reserved. The goal was to let the new teachers know how much the community appreciated them joining the APS District.

On 9/20/22 Dr Calentine requested flyers, provided by Main Gate, for the event with a link allowing the teachers to sign up so there could be a head count of those who wanted to attend. Main Gate responded by emailing the Teacher Appreciation Night flyer to Dr Calentine on 9/27/22.

Main Gate continued meeting about the Teachers’ Night on 10/4/22 and then held their final meeting of the committee on 10/7/22; however, Dr Calentine was not able to attend because of a schedule conflict.


At this point, the planning for the Teachers’ Night, initiated by Colleen Tagle, Associate Superintendent, had apparently been in process for 5-6 weeks by Main Gate and the Flickinger Center.

On 10/7/22 Supt Moore contacted Dr Klump, President of Main Gate United, and requested a meeting later in the day at 2 pm to “nail down” the headcount for the Teachers’ Appreciation Night. However, during the 2 pm meeting that day, Supt Moore stated he would Not Allow the teachers to attend the Teachers’ Appreciation Night at the Flickinger Center and that Lorrie Black, Executive Director of the Flickinger Center, was being let go from the Flickinger Center for misappropriation of funds.  Furthermore, Supt Moore said he was not going to answer, in writing, the 20 questions submitted by Main Gate but only verbally. In addition, Moore stated, “The APS school board and I are an apolitical entity and as Supt, I cannot endorse or give the appearance of endorsing any political party…” “The Flickinger was an Ultra MAGA headquarters.” Moore continues “I cannot officially endorse this event by using district resources to promote it.”  Then Dr Calentine stopped all communication with Main Gate.

The event was scheduled for 10/12/22. This occurred 5 days prior to the event.

No one from Main Gate, who was involved in arranging the Teachers’ Night, was able to communicate with anyone at APS to find out if ANY teachers were going to attend.

Then on 10/11/22, Bob Pattillo, part of Main Gate and the person Tagle had initially requested to have a Teachers’ Night, called Moore. Supt Moore stated he “did not know anything about the event.” Apparently, Supt Moore was on a speaker phone when Pattillo asked if Tagle was listening. Moore replied Yes. He then proceeded to ask Tagle if she had asked him to set up the event. She replied Yes. Then Moore repeated his claim of the Flickinger being a political facility, Black was fired for misappropriation of funds and he would not be answering the 20 questions from Main Gate either. Pattillo was stunned at the conversation. In a recap email of that meeting, Moore wrote, “The APS school board and I are an apolitical entity, and as Superintendent, I cannot endorse or give the appearance of endorsing any political party….” To be noted, Supt Moore, apolitical, was the keynote speaker at the monthly Otero Democrat Meeting on 12/6/22. The Flickinger Center hosts both parties.

Pattillo immediately contacted Judy Rabon, President of APS School Board, who stated that “Flickinger was Ultra MAGA headquarters and APS would not support the event. They would allow the night if Main Gate chose another venue.” The event was the next day. Please note, the same phrases keep appearing from different people.

Finally, after the scheduled Teachers’ Appreciation Night on 10/12/22, Supt Moore sent a text to GB Oliver, Executive Director of the Center of Commerce that stated, “Don’t know why I didn’t realize this until now, but you and I have very similar jobs. We’re the hired hitmen that execute the wishes of board members who may or may not know what they’re doing. God be with us!” (emphasis mine)

In situations like this, all parties usually meet to discuss problems and concerns to resolve all issues. Not in this case. Instead, demands and orders were handed down without any desire to come to a point of agreement. Why? Is there any connection to the sudden cancellation on short notice of the Teachers’ Appreciation Night? Were “orders” given by Supt Moore’s bosses, APS School Board to cancel it? You decide.


With the many accusations being thrown around, it is important for them to be clarified and resolved.

The resulting issues regarding the use of the Flickinger Center for APS concerts and productions were disrupted by APS leaving school department heads in charge of performances to scramble for lesser locations for their events. Ms Renteria, Associate Superintendent, called 2 of those employees, who had scrambled to find another venue for the holiday concerts and performances, into her office for disciplinary purposes related to their actions. Was this an “instruction” from above?

On 11/1/22 at the Main Gate meeting, there was to be an update on the APS canceled Teachers’ Appreciation Night so Lorrie Black invited the Flickinger Board President, Cynthia Stong, as her guest. Supt Moore, who rarely attends, was present along with newly appointed School Board member, Amanda Jewell. A confrontation began when Black stated she did not appreciate that Supt Moore made the statement about her being fired from the Flickinger Center for misappropriation of funds. At that point, Black introduced her guest, Cynthia Stong, Flickinger Board President, and asked if she was getting fired for misappropriated funds from the Flickinger. Stong replied, “No, we are happy and pleased to have you working for us, and at no point have we ever thought you were misappropriating funds”. Stong then inquired of Supt Moore, “What political party are you accusing the Flickinger Center to be aligned with?” It took Stong asking 3 times before Moore responded. He stated, “My teachers are concerned it is the Republican Party”. Then proclaimed, “And I’m a Republican.”

This, however, did not stop Judy Rabon, President of the APS School Board, from using her familiar, unprofessional, and feral tactics of false accusations and bad-mouthing individuals in an attempt to get her way. Even after the Teachers’ Appreciation Night debacle, on 12/5/22, Rabon contacted a Flickinger Center Board Member to continue to attack Black by saying, “APS had so much dirt on Lorrie Black that it would be embarrassing to the Flickinger Board.” Rabon is consistent in her methods to attempt to mislead, deceive and defame members of the community in order to achieve her agenda. Where is the evidence she touted?

This is a disturbing incident on many levels. Finding out about what went on behind the scenes is sad, disappointing, and troubling. The leaders of the education system in Alamogordo appear to have lost focus on their purposes in the community – to educate our children and listen. When there is no honesty and integrity at the top, it can contaminate everyone below – all the way to the students. Is this in line with the desires and expectations for education in the community of Alamogordo? Regrettably, this is an unfortunate depiction of the character and motivations at the top of APS.

“God be with us.”


“Transparency in Every Area” – Judy Rabon, APS School Board President – Series- Part 1

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